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  • Renate-van-Roosmalen

"It's just a job." But is it, really?

Updated: Nov 12, 2021

I love my job. However, sometimes I struggle to stop and unwind. The intensity with which I dive into my work and try to unravel complex matters makes some people around me shake their heads and tell me to relax. Although I appreciate being reminded to take care of myself, it pushes my buttons when it is implied that I shouldn't care so much about what I do. "It's just a job": I never really understood that remark.

Necessary curiosity

Why is that? Here is my take on it. Since I was a kid, I've been an observer. I am always watching, listening, wondering. Talking to people, reading something or just walking down the street, gaining more and more insights, I try to make sense of the big and complex world around me. I learned that any action can contribute to something right or wrong. And that in order to know right from wrong, I need to keep gaining insights. Such a brain fuck, but worth the try in learning by doing.

Good over bad profit

So here I am, observing and analysing in order to choose 'good' over 'bad' in my day to day life. My experiences have made me more vocal than the silent kid I used to be, and instead of just observing I tend to take charge. But the essence has remained the same. Work is not everything, but a big part of my life. So it’s hardly surprising that I’ve found myself a profession where I can make a difference in helping people gain insights and turning it into something productive and profitable.

The impact of caring

Positive impact. It has a lot to do with choosing the right direction, angle and force. When I see an opportunity to do something right, I go for it. Even if it's not strictly necessary for me to get my paycheck. Because honestly: if I didn't care about what I do, then what would be the point of making a living..?

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